By the time most of my wonderful internet friends read this, I will be crammed into a van with chaperones and students aplenty, on a road somewhere between Here and There, on our big Road Trip 2011. This means that for the next few days I'll be beyond reach of a computer, though I'll still be able to read everyone's witticisms from afar, thanks to smartphone cellular technology.
But I'll be minding the kiddos, so I won't be able to reply until after I get back. So if I don't get to your comment, email, or Tweet right away --- it's because I'm being a responsible teacher person and introducing my students to all kinds of real-time history stuff. But rest assured I'll be burning up the keyboard later with replies when I return.
Meanwhile, here are some more awesome writers whose blogs should not be overlooked:
Enjoy!! --- and above all, keep on writing!!!
You rock too much! Good luck on this trip of yours. :)