Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Visual Dare 1: Surreal

OK. Here's a little something that I would like to make a weekly event, if there's enough interest. My intention is to help my fellow writers jumpstart their writing, wherever they are - because of course we all get stuck. All. The. Time. (Especially if you're like me.)

Below is a visual dare, such as I've given in the past. You can use this photo in one of two ways:

     * incorporate it into your current Work In Progress - literally, or figuratively
     * use it as a 100 word flash fiction to get the brain going in a different creative direction.

Either way - it should thwart the writer's block doldrums, at least a little bit.

Give it a try! Feel free to post your creative responses to the prompt in the comments below (if it's 100 words or less, plus personal comments, of course!).

Here's your dare:

Photo by: Tommy Nease

Where does this take your writing - even for a short burst?
Let me know in the comments - in summary or 100 word excerpts!

Looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. The stone cut through the lake’s edgewater then sank to the bottom to join the rest. Dee watched as the forest’s reflection recuperated from the pebble she had thrown and slowly became still. Ripples in the water were just like every adult Dee cared about in her life; they made their individual marks, moved away and never returned. And just as she had been before they made their presence, and then their absence, known – Dee was alone.

    She wondered what it was she did to make them leave. Being eleven years old was turning out to be such a puzzle.

    1. Jo-Anne this is marvelous! I absolutely adore your writing voice. Makes me wonder what Dee has gone through...and what else is coming her way. :(

    2. That was awesome Jo-Anne. This was an interesting idea Angela, I'm just so swamped right now, I don't have the time. :-)

    3. I understand! This will be a weekly challenge going up every Wednesday, so it's the sort of thing that you plug into when you can. Glad you like the idea!

    4. You amazing flash-fictioneer, you! This was hard and wrenching to read, but oh, so lovely.

  2. What a strange and lovely image. Will come back tomorrow when I have a brain to think with!

    1. Yay! I hope it helps with your current WIP in some way. :)
