Thursday, February 2, 2012

Random Visual Dare

Yes, I know NaNoWriMo is nowhere in sight; but writing dares don't stop at the end of November. If you're like me, the writing goes on. Especially if you're participating in Cara Michaels' #WIP500 Writing Challenge, you're writing every day (just like a good writer should). But sometimes you get stuck with your current WIP, and that's when you need a bit of help.

So here are three photos to help you get out of the writing doldrums and push through to your next scene. I double-dog-dare you to use all three.

Good luck!

(PS There's some other great shots in that same photoessay)

(PS Go to this gal's Deviant Art account for some more really great shots)


  1. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

  2. Ooh, these are all great! I particularly like the first one.

    1. Heh. That *would* be the one that draws you, you gonna use it?
