Wednesday, February 27, 2013

VisDare 9: Alone?

ALRIGHTY.  I know the cat-on-the-subway photo threw everyone for a loop last week; but I think this one probably will fit right back into the pinwheel of add-on stories I'm seeing: alternate Wonderlands, time traveling umbrellas, sinister universe-in-a-snow-globe....and so many others.

I need a spreadsheet to keep track of all the burgeoning novels that are cropping out of this --- and an "add-on story" isn't even one of the VisDare requirements!!

I am surrounded by such greatness. You guys are AWESOME.

SO....Here's your next photo prompt --- where does this take you? Another scene in an ongoing tale? Somewhere completely different? Figurative? Literal? What about all you poets out there?

New to VisDare? See the rules below --- and jump on in!!!


150 words - or less.
Post entry to your blog and "link in" using the link tool below.
No blog? Post your 150 words in the comments below.
(Please - no erotica or graphic violence.)
As always - thanks for participating!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

VisDare 8: Listening

So....apparently part of the "bring your own challenge" aspect of the VisDare is trying to add on to the previous episode with the new prompt. That being the case, this photo - which was formatted and slated for this week before New Year's - may be a bit of a leap for several of my "serial" VisDare participants.

BUT. That should make some very curious leaps, if I do say so.

Of course, there's NOTHING in the rules that says you have to build on your previous episode. You can go in a wholly new direction.

Either way, I look forward to seeing what people come up with this one.

And to all you newbies ready to try your flash fiction wings --- you can find the rules below....!


150 words - or less.
Post entry to your blog and "link in" using the link tool below.
No blog? Post your 150 words in the comments below.
(Please - no erotica or graphic violence.)
As always - thanks for participating!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

VisDare 7: Secret

I didn't realize until I read all the FABULOUS entries (24 of them!!) from last week's VisDare how well this particular photo would act as a sequel prompt. With virtually every one of the previous VisDares, this little snapshot should set off some curious addendums.

Or not! You can go in a completely new direction, of course.

And for you newcomers....welcome. See the rules below, and join the addictive madness.

I dare you. :-)


150 words - or less.
Post entry to your blog and "link in" using the link tool below.
No blog? Post your 150 words in the comments below.
(Please - no erotica or graphic violence.)
As always - thanks for participating!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

VisDare 6: Emerging

OK. I had to go surreal again for this week's VisDare. Some of you will love this, others of you not so much - but really. There's so much scope for imagination here. I've already got something like this in one of my WIPs - but what about you? Who is this lady, where is she going, what is she leaving? WHAT DA HECK BE GOIN' ON??

You tell me. Rules below. (Have fun!)


150 words - or less.
Post entry to your blog and "link in" using the link tool below.
No blog? Post your 150 words in the comments below.
(Please - no erotica or graphic violence.)
As always - thanks for participating!